
Research... A Search Redefined!

Scientists Are Not Extra Ordinary People.. They Just Think Differently!!!!

So people Have Such Opinions!!! :D

We Know That We Are Intelligent .. We Know that we can do Things.... But Where And What Is The Channel For This.... How Can I Put My Discovery???

I Remember Many Geeks Telling Me.... "....bla bla bla... This Is My Theory!! Now How Do I Proceed???"
Guys Remember... Ideas are Like Shoes... (no offense) Everyone Has A Pair Of It.... what We Need To Do Is Make It Practically Possible... What My Vice-Chancellor Calls As Social Engineering- Engineering For The Society :)

Thats True... Engineering must Get Beyond Books... It Must Come Into Life.... See, For A Common man May Be Transformers Was Just A Movie... He May Comment On The Music , Screenplay And Stuffs... What A mechanical Engineer would See In That Is Machines... In a Way The same Version Of Things Presented to people Makes Them Understand Where their intrests lie....

So You Have A theory... after you watched some awesome movie like 3 idiots ( My Favourite :)) So You Have the fire inside To Create Something....??? Get Beyond The Books And Get A Life???

Welcome To The World Of Hell!!!!!!

I'm not being pessimistic and absolutely dont give you the promise that things are going to be all right... no things are not... In This work, You are going to fall... fall down a hell lot of times... people may stumble before you... they might even crush you and move ahead... they might even dig you deep in the earth.....!
ERR... Just A Sec...
Remember The Spring Concept... How Hard It Is Pressed It Would Rise Up... Thats The Way You Are Going To Be!!!!!!!

Methodolgy Of Work : :

They Cannot Be Numbered Or Just said ... Coz Innovations And Discoveries Are Self-developed skills...
But First Read A Lot Of Materials.... Go For The Famous Institutes research Websites... Journals... Core Books... Youtube Videos On How Stuffs Works....
Theoretically have An idea on how stuffs are going to work in your project.....
Find what are all the most practical difficulties in your project... try to solve them...
Find A group of people who can help and assist you....
Find A Good Institution To Whom You Can Submit Your Project....

I've put it in the shortest way... Remember it s not as easy as it sounds...

Dont ever dream of doing research in hi-tech labs and all... Whatever the situation be, Its your ideas that are going to matter.... :) :)

Hopefully My Post Would Have Helped You...
Sti :)

What not to do as an engineer..

Growing up, I never thought of becoming anything but an Engineer.Those were the days where families like mine provided only two choices,Engineering or Medicine.There were times when people would hold my hands as a kid,draw me close and ask what i wanted to become when I wanted to grow up and before i could come up with an answer they would give me choices: Engineer or Doctor? I'd say with a really big smile that I wanted to become a Computer Engineer.I still do not know what i was thinking at all those countless moments I chose to be a Computer Engineer.Though the choices seem so narrow and absurd today,it appears that I really wanted to be an Engineer, or let me put this way, I did not want to become a doctor.There were times we used to ask each other in class what we aimed at becoming.Usually the first day in every grade that I came through was meant to be self-introduction classes.There were teachers who revised alphabets for the whole of first week,which thankfully stopped with class six.Coming back,those self-introductory classes too found me choosing Engineering.I looked up at people who proudly proclaimed that they wanted to become police officers,pilots and collectors.Well,in short I grew up thinking Engineering is cool and Engineers are super heroes who saved the day.As the wheel spun I entered high school and I  thought it was time to decide on career,whatever I thought it meant that day. Through the ages,I took up a liking for Mathematics and Science,Physics to be precise.But then,like for Mechanical Engineering anything that moved did not inspire me.I thought all Aeronautical Engineers became pilots or astronauts and I ruled it out as I wanted to become neither.Higher Secondary school and I had to choose between three streams Computer Science,Biology and Commerce.I definitely did not want to become a Doctor and hence Bio was out.I had no clue about Commerce and hence I ended up choosing Computer Science.There came THE point where i had to pick a college and course.That was either probably one of the worst decisions I made or I turned a wonderful opportunity into one such devastating choice.This will be answered in the future.I picked Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE).This was(is) supposed to be the creamiest of the courses and everyone I knew were doing ECE and I did not know which one to choose! And I admit I picked Electronics without being sure of what the consequences would be.That crashed for  numerous reasons,or I presumed it did.Now I am here after having chosen something that I wanted to become,Computer Science Engineering.


The first line of this post is the best lie an Engineer can come up with.

You can see that the choices I made were based on what i did not like and not on what I liked.This is something that I wouldn't advise you to do.Thankfully the accidental charm lasted till higher secondary atleast till it came crashing down at college.

Always think of science as means of living and not as a part of life.Science in itself is a life that is visible only to those who live and admire it.Happy,honoured and proud to be one among the many.

Commerce is for those with lesser marks is a complete bullshit and I badly want that myth to change.Commerce is a brilliant field and people die to become experts and attain excellence in that field.

Always have short term goals,work on them.

Do not make choices when you are happy or emotional.

Hear everyone but listen only to the learned.

Have passion and never lose hope.Follow these two and you'll be thankful one day.

Never assume anything in your life.Failure and reality slaps you right on the face.

As a being,one have to endure failure at some point or the other.Cry but act upon failure.

Constantly try to achieve excellence.Success will follow.

Fall in love with Mathematics or forget being a good Engineer.

Swear to contribute atleast the slightest to the field you study.Never forget your teachers and most importantly the lessons you learnt.

Life can only be understood backwards.Never try to connect the dots beforehand.

Appreciate science.

Learn,love and live.

Always remember what not to do as an Engineer..

PS:You'd have noticed that the words Engineer and Engineering begin with caps in the entire post.The stress is to stress that I love Engineering and I'm happy that I call myself an Engineer.I cannot imagine myself doing anything other than Engineering.I forgive myself for all the poor choices I made for life is but a learning process.